From understanding to connecting with your crowd and knowing what to say.

What Do They Want?

Before you commit time and money to your next great product, strategy, or campaign, have you actually checked to see if anyone wants what you’re selling? Too many companies miss this step and doom a project before it even begins.

Let us help you better understand your crowd, so you can better understand how to communicate why what you’re offering is everything they already want.

This is a perfect product and solution-sized service for opportunities like:

New Product or Location Launch
Client Metric Evaluation

How Is It All Connected?

Between noisy messaging all around us and competing messaging across brands and departments, don’t miss the possibility to leverage every word and every opportunity to weave together and maximize your messaging.

Let us help you create and keep a consistent strategic messaging calendar and voice across your organization and with your clients and community.

This is a perfect product and solution-sized service for opportunities like:

Event or Special Release Campaign
Offering or Donation Campaign
Finding Your Voice

What Are You Going To Say Exactly?

Sometimes the only thing more scary than public speaking is sitting down and preparing to speak, present, or communicate to your audience.

Let us help you move your thoughts from the page to the platform and find your voice. Regardless the size of the room, the length of the talk, or the substance of the content – we can help make it even better.

This is a perfect product and solution-sized service for opportunities like:


Writing, Ghostwriting or Editing a Book
Writing an Outline or Manuscript for a Presentation

Paper Giants will offer the opportunity for each client to share any products and services already provided with an organization of their choosing free of charge, for as long as a binding contract with the client is in effect.

This not only rewards clients but instills a culture of generosity that ultimately could result in those organizations one day becoming clients and passing along the same benefit to another up-and-coming organization in their community.

We’re Better Together

Whether you have a simple question or are ready to get started slaying the giants in your way, let us know who you are and we’ll be in touch!



Mailing Address

    Paper Giants Inc.
PO Box 34102
Knoxville, TN 37930